Our next roast is:

Wednesday, March 12th

Organic, Fair-Trade Mexican, Guatemalan & Nicaraguan ROASTED TO PERFECTION


The Goods

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Our current Buck-a-Bag Non-Profit


The warming climate has become an uncomfortable part of all of our lives. Without an organized effort to help slow rising temperatures, we’ll see more wildfires, floods, warming seas, loss of species… the risk list goes on (and ack! it includes coffee). But there are things we can do.

350.org is a climate action group with chapters across the world working to help end the use of fossil fuels and ensure a just transition to renewable energy for everyone. Our own local, independent state affiliate is 350 Colorado, and it’s been working away for a decade. 350 Colorado advocates for issues like defunding fossil fuels and promoting regenerative agriculture to organizing youth climate action groups. Its membership is 20,000+ strong and growing.

350.org founder Bill McKibben says, “It’s hard to imagine a place more important to the climate fight than Colorado… and 350 Colorado is making one helluva difference.” Gato Coffee couldn’t agree more. Want to get involved? You can donate, volunteer, do community outreach, drink more Gato coffee… anything is valuable, appreciated, and needed!

350 Colorado — Learn More



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